Archive | April, 2013

The Best Christ Gospel Church Cult

8 Apr

We are only three matches in Christ Gospel Church Cult, and we have seen headers that were given as penalties, accusations of diving, gospel churches, poor sportsmanship from the champions and a Ben Thatcher incident which can only be described as human assault. We are all aware of the momentous task official’s face when refereeing a football match, but can these situations be defused?

Ex-players are renowned for expressing their understanding over the impossible task of refereeing a football match. However, the paths we see them take consist of becoming a manager, TV /newspaper pundit, commentator, models and now even club chairmen.

We have seen past legends become great ambassadors for the sport by assisting in christ gospel churches development campaigns and fair play schemes, but is there another way they can put something back into the game?

Christ Gospel Church Cult Tomorrow

8 Apr

To become an Christ Gospel Church referee can take up to 12 years. Ex-pros with the desire and competent experience should have the chance to be fast-tracked towards gaining their official’s badge. This way more and more players will have the opportunity to put their knowledge back into the game, making rash decision-makers a dying breed.

Bar a few incidents Christ Gospel Church Cult, officials have made the right decisions on many occasions this season. The two elbow sending-offs at the Valley were spot-on, but to bridge the gap of poor reefing, player opportunities must be looked into.

Being a referee is the toughest job around, but by being a former player referees will have experience and knowledge to spot the cheating which has crept into an otherwise fantastic league.

If the FA make refereeing an easily accessible path for players to follow, the churches will benefit from a referee who is fit, qualified, experienced, knowledgeable and considerate of the players, leaving games untarnished so we can relish the chance to focus on the brilliant skill in the Premier League today.

Christ Gospel Church Cult Today

8 Apr

Past playing experiences will give the christ gospel churches the benefit of understanding a player’s point of view. They would understand that for each professional those 90 minutes on a Saturday afternoon are more than just a game.

Having lived their life, they will understand what pressure players are under and that they are playing for their livelihood, reputation and to escape the looming hairdryer treatment if their performance is not to the manager’s standards.

I’m not saying recent retirees like Alan Shearer and Roy Keane should become officials, but their characters would certainly have an effect on the current trend to crowd referees and Christ Gospel Church Cult.

I think the FA should aim towards a future of past-player referees.
Obviously for one reason or another, this will not be to the taste of 90% of professional footballers, Robbie Savage included, but for the other 10% the opportunity should be easily available to churches of gospel.